Sunday, February 24, 2008

Slight Edge - How to Keep Ahead of Yourself!

If Only... by Jeff Olson

"You're lookin' good, sir, lookin' good."

The shoeshine woman was grinning at me. Another customer lost in his early morning thoughts. And another job well done. I looked down: I could see my reflection in my shoes.

Indeed I am. Lookin' good... thank you. Thanks very much.

I paid her, gave her as big a tip as I could without (I hoped) having her feel I was being patronizing, and walked away with clean shoes and a heavy heart.

It had taken many years, but I was fortunate enough to have found my way out of my beach bum career. I was no longer cutting the greens of other people's leisurely pursuits. I had found my way to a good life.

She was right; for me, things were lookin' good, sir, lookin' good.

But why the beach bum and not the shoeshine woman?

While my shoes had been getting a shine, the airport had grown busier. I now walked through a growing throng of travelers as I worked my way toward my gate. I noticed all the faces filing past me. Hardly anyone was smiling. Most of my fellow travelers were trudging with their heads bowed down. I saw bored expressions. Vacant. Porch light's on, dog's barking, but nobody's home.

Everyone looked so tired. Failing is exhausting.

I hear angry words.

I stopped for a cup of coffee and heard a young couple arguing with each other.
A burly man scolded his young son to the point of tears. A heavy woman complained about the service, then the prices, then her food, and then started back in on the service again. The other people in line nodded their heads. A few joined her in a chorus of negativity.

Why is everyone so... down? Everything these people need to know to change their lives for the better is already available. All the information they could possibly need to put them on a path of extraordinary success and fulfillment is out there, in books and tapes, videos and workshops. There are people to help them - rich, living resources to guide them, be their mentors, teachers,
coaches and allies.

I knew that the difference between who they were and who they could be wasn't based on any lack of good information. It was all already available.

But why, if the information is all there, all the resources are there, and these people really do want to succeed, then why aren't they doing it?

I looked around the airport as the early morning rush hour swelled its ranks of busy, hurrying, scowling, unhappy people shambling past with no spark in their faces, no bounce in their step. I wished I could somehow address them all, that I could touch all their lives with my silent soliloquy.

The problem, I shouted out in my head, is that you don't have a way to process the information. There's no framework in place for you to take in all the extraordinary insight that's out there and put it to work in your life.

If only you were aware of the Slight Edge. If only you knew what it was doing in your life and how easy it is to have the Slight Edge working for you - instead of against you.

If only you were making the right choices, doing those simple, little disciplines that would change your life for the better forever... where would you be five years from today?

If only you learned to recognize the Slight Edge...

If only...

But it was only in my head. Not a soul heard my words... nobody, that is, but me.

That day, on the plane, I started writing this book.
Jeff Olson

Do you find yourself missing the one thing in life that would help you achieve a desired goal, realize a long-held dream, or push you up the ladder to success? Then this is the book for you! The Slight Edge will teach you how to achieve success in all aspects of your life -- in your health, your finances, your personal relationships and family life.

You'll learn:
How to tap into the power of daily discipline
How to increase your success by doubling your rate of failure
How to identify habits that serve you and replace those that don't
How to harness the powers of reflection, completion and celebration
How to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be

Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not -- and The Slight Edge will show you how to do what successful people do!

To purchase this powerful book or audio book, go to

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